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SSC CPO Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2023

Staff Selection Commission has released a recruitment notification for filling up 1876 posts of Sub Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces Examination 2023 vide Advt. No. SICPO22072023. Eligible / Interested candidates can apply online from 22.07.2023 to 15.08.2023

Total No. of the Posts: 1876

Age Limit: (20 to 25 years)

For General / EWS: Born not earlier than 02.08.1998 and not later than 01.08.2003 (both dates inclusive)

For OBC: Born not earlier than 02.08.1995 and not later than 01.08.2003 (both dates inclusive)

For SC / ST: Born not earlier than 02.08.1993 and not later than 01.08.2003 (both dates inclusive)


For Delhi Police Sub Inspector: Bachelor Degree in any stream and should have valid Driving License for Light Motor Vehicle (LMV).

For Other Posts: Bachelor Degree in any stream.

Fees: Rs. 100/- for General /OBC / EWS and There is no fee for SC / ST / Female candidates.

Physical Eligibility:

For Male candidates:

Height: 170 Cms

Chest: 80 – 85 Cms

Race: 100 Mtr in 16 Sec. & 1.6 Kms in 6.5 minutes

Long Jump: 3.65 Mtrs in 03 Chances

High Jump: 1.2 Mtrs in 03 Chances

Shot Put (16 Lbs): 4.5 Mtrs in 03 Chances

For Female candidates: 

Height: 157 Cms

Race: 100 Mtr in 18 Sec & 800 Mtr in 04 Minutes

Long Jump: 2.7 Mtrs in 03 Chances

High Jump: 0.9 Mtrs in 03 Chances


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